Lets raise our investment before its too late..!!!! ACTION PLAN

Assalamualaikum w.b.t., Salam Ramadhan and "Selamat Berpuasa".. Quite hard to write now.... time really jealous at this age... Now left around +/- 11 days to go to raise our investment for next journey. We have to accumulate more and more since this opportunity might won't come again, similar as well we should vote for change in GE13 to prepare for our future life or at least for our growing children. So we shouldn't be classified as a bankrupt person in our future life. For future journey, we still have time to invest to get 1000x month of profit. HUNT for "LAILATUL QADAR". Now we at "lailatul qadar" period of time. Lets hunt, in this last 10 days. We don't know what day is odd or even since 1 Ramadhan starts differently from country to country. Refer to the image below form rumputt.net . Please remember the day in Islam starts at sunset of previous days. So the night of 21 Ramadhan is tonight 9 Ogos. So lets multiple our effort now ...