Part 3: Working in Public VS Private Sector, Hidden Benefit...???

Continue from Part 2:
Part 2: Working in Public or Private Sector; Security and More Saving?

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.,

Ha! Ha! Ha! Quite some time I did not visit and update this blog... I feel like alien to this page now... Too busy to finish project task.  It is normal when you work for a private sectors. Some people says working like hell! Others says it is not your company why work so hard?? Working day and night and many times working at the weekend is normal for me. I have children to feed, school and other liabilities to pay so need to work harder to make sure still working. Sometimes you don't have option. What ever we do, should always  remember Allah s.w.t. Work is also a part of "ibadah". Working so hard sometimes will cause stress and sick. When suffering sickness like now, I'm start thinking of how lucky you are as employee of a company or government department. But do you know how far your company support you when you at dawn health condition?
No one would like to suffer any illness. But once it happen to ourselves then you start realize what we save sometimes never enough to pay for medical bill. The private company hospitalization benefit only support to some limited amount and it is also goes the same to your medical insurance/takaful depending to premium being paid and illness coverage. At the other part, medical leave with pay salary also limited usually up to 60 days only yearly.
A friend of mine suffering eye disorder I not really remember but I think it is glaucoma in one side of his eye and went for laser treatment. After the treatment, other side of his eye sight also deteriorated and both eyes become partially blind. Hospitalization and annual leave a total of 90 days was utilized. Later continue with unpaid leave for another 6 month. Not to mention after the period completed, a letter arrive at his mail box with termination status due to unfit to work. He quite lucky, since his wife is a government servant officer with specialist tittle that can support the family.
Ya Allah s.w.t., please don't test us with the test that can't afford to bear...
Another story, sadden me a nephew of mine was just diagnosed with intestine cancer and was advised to go for chemotherapy treatment as soon as possible. She is a government servant work as a teacher at middle school. What surprise me, she get 2 years full paid hospitalization leave at the period of chemotherapy treatment. And as a Grade A officer, she entitle for 1st class hospitalization benefit at  any Government Hospitals.
Moral of the story was highlighted in yellow colour. Secondly you as a private sector worker disregard what position you are and  pay for higher tax, after your hospitalization benefit from the company your work finish, then the best bed in government hospital you can afford is only at 3rd class unless you are willing to pay for the upgrade.
Lesson Learnt! That's why many private company worker subscribe medical takaful/insurance.
But one thing that we should remember, the illness, recovery and fate all provision of Allah s.w.t.
Do give "sadakah" / donation will make us healthy.
Rasulullah bersabda :
“Ubatilah orang yang sakit di antara kalian dengan sedekah.” (HR. Baihaqi)

“Ujian yang menimpa seseorang pada keluarga, harta, jiwa, anak, dan tetangganya bisa dihapus dengan puasa, shalat, sedekah, dan amar makruf nahi munkar.” (HR. Bukhari dan Muslim)
Wallah hu alam.


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