Example Using 2012 Budget Form: Real Data With Accuracy of 98.9%
Asssalamualaikum w.b.t.,
The below is real expenses data which collected for Jan 2012, to show how serious was our budget if not properly control and manage. Some people say, we don't have any choice but must spend. So what is the meaning of one of famous Top Malaysian Government Leader said, "Rakyat Mesti Merubah Gaya Hidup. Kenaikan Tidak Boleh Dielakkan".
One thing I believe, rakyat must sacrifice paying high tax, double standard of tax system, uncontrollable rising of foods n things needed and getting low return from our KWSP/Fund dividen to make sure some special people will be able to live in luxurious.
So, be prepared for the worst. From the data you track, you know where to cut your expenses, rearrange your budget and prepare for future unexpected expenses especially year end school preparation. Most of my expenses fall under education, hire purchase (loan), tax. other expenses such food and etc. From here also, we can see clearly my January 2012 deficit budget. My expenses is more than my income. So, how to cover this? Emergency fund or reserve fund to cover deficit? I don't have choice now, to use emergency fund and cover back through strictly control budget for February and onward to payback fund used and need to plan for tight budget to save some money or need to find additional source of income in coming month. If not, I will in trouble next year.
Every thing now so expensive. If you have expenses data then you will realize that, the cost of living now increase at a magnitude of average 15% yearly and the trend no longer in linear but starts with exponential. So, lets change before its become worst. Now I see the truth, what was said by one of PR leader that, the trend is showing, more and more of intermediate range of income workers will fall into poverty level if not change from now.
Wallah hu 'alam.

The below is real expenses data which collected for Jan 2012, to show how serious was our budget if not properly control and manage. Some people say, we don't have any choice but must spend. So what is the meaning of one of famous Top Malaysian Government Leader said, "Rakyat Mesti Merubah Gaya Hidup. Kenaikan Tidak Boleh Dielakkan".
One thing I believe, rakyat must sacrifice paying high tax, double standard of tax system, uncontrollable rising of foods n things needed and getting low return from our KWSP/Fund dividen to make sure some special people will be able to live in luxurious.
So, be prepared for the worst. From the data you track, you know where to cut your expenses, rearrange your budget and prepare for future unexpected expenses especially year end school preparation. Most of my expenses fall under education, hire purchase (loan), tax. other expenses such food and etc. From here also, we can see clearly my January 2012 deficit budget. My expenses is more than my income. So, how to cover this? Emergency fund or reserve fund to cover deficit? I don't have choice now, to use emergency fund and cover back through strictly control budget for February and onward to payback fund used and need to plan for tight budget to save some money or need to find additional source of income in coming month. If not, I will in trouble next year.
Every thing now so expensive. If you have expenses data then you will realize that, the cost of living now increase at a magnitude of average 15% yearly and the trend no longer in linear but starts with exponential. So, lets change before its become worst. Now I see the truth, what was said by one of PR leader that, the trend is showing, more and more of intermediate range of income workers will fall into poverty level if not change from now.
Wallah hu 'alam.
Sample Expenses Jan 2012.
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