Part 1: What The Investment Means To Most of Us? To Make More Money Via Saving?

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.,

Horrible! Horrible! No time for we, our selves!?

Working in our life sometimes make us horrible. Miss a lot of our valuable own prime time or some people says as quality time... What do quality time really means?

Some of us,  most of our times was occupied to solve and do office work. Extra work at home without being paid. One of my friend says, he work for private company and he need to work longer time than normal office hours. To grab an quality times with his family he brings home his work together and do at home. But do the family get his quality times? And do the employer appreciate him working longer time?

What he told me, of course the employer don't know he work longer time and never appreciate him. What employer get only all matter resolve must be resolve by the time, longer work time is not employer concern. That is the best he can do, even though his mind not with the family at home but his body is. At least his children still can see him visible. He told me further, the best he can do now to secure his job still with him, if not the worst will arise. Thats what he try to avoid.

It is normal for private sectors working longer time just for the sake of job security.

One of his question to me is about investing his money to get more money since he unable to work for other things to add more income in this crazy malaysia good price hike up carnival? For me it is not the carnival but sure heboh carnibal festival....

I told him I'm not the best person to advise on this as 1PM already advise "rakyat" to change way of spending/life (wassatiyah) and all way trough already being supported by all department of Malaysian government from police department, bank negara until "Majlis Syura" to bring rakyat especially muslims but not malay to be tight under the coconut shell.... He!5....

My friend main concern is the food price hike up especially milk for his children and baby...

As of this the main concern, than lets we solve this part first lets do investment here... Of course under this scenario we don't have much options since it is not controlled and being supported by the 1PM policy, price must up to boost economy in terms of paper money and looks like economy is boosted up.

What we can do basically from my own experience, the price of milk is like up and down, but in trending up. You can see a can of baby milk powder the same brand/model 5 years ago around RM18 to RM20/kg but now price is between RM39 to RM49.

How can we invest? Of course to invest you must have investment fund. If borrow then it is different issue now. Let say you already cap the investment fund, then you must understand the price yo-yo of your children powder milk and you must understand the baby will grow up and will change milk powder after a year.

In share investment it is advised to buy low, sell high. So you should know what is the low and high. And it is also advised, if don't know then do the dollar cost averaging.

For milk powder, I think you know already the price and become easier.

Let say the minimum is RM39/can and surely the price will up again. Use your fund to buy stocks for your children in big quantity at discounted price but must remember you target should not exceed your baby age change the milk scheme. Buy bit a bit at a lower price to pile stock and understand the scenario.

Let say your baby, will be using the same milk for another 6 month and will consume 4 can. So meaning that you will need around 24 can.

How much it is, RM39.00 x 24 = RM936.00

But how much you need to spend if not well plan when buy at high, RM49.00 x 24 = RM1176.00

How much you save due yo-yo, RM1176.00 - RM936.00 = RM240.00 (26%)..

So, you make profit of 26% in 6 month with fund of RM936.00. So the profit must be saved into your investment fund to make your fund bigger. What if the price hike up again, then you will save more.

Some people do share investment, but sometimes only able to get return 8% in a year. ASB also around 8%.

You can implement to other things as well in your consumption portfolio. But must remember, the foods expiry date should be longer than your target period. Don't do on  fast rotten raw materials okey... Be smart to battle our own household inflation..

First tips: Higher return of investment is from you investment in saving of house hold expenses.... Same quantity/quality but cheaper price.



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