EPF to Raise Basic Savings Level Starting Jan 2014

Starting from January 2014, Employees Provident Fund (EPF) will revise upwards the basic savings level of its members. The aim is to ensure  its members have enough savings to finance their retirement needs.
The new quantum is RM198,000 by the age of 55 compare to RM120,000 at the current level. It will be equivalent to RM820 a month for 20 years from age 55 to 75. The new rates are benchmarked against the minimum pension for public sector employees which are currently at RM820 a month. This will avoid the monthly retirement income not fall below the poverty level.
The impact to this new revision is, members will need to have more funds in their account to be eligible to withdraw for the purpose of EPF Members Investment Scheme.
The table below is the current & new Basic Savings Level for EPF members. EPF only guarantee annual returns of 2.5%.

Basic Saving (RM)
Age Current Jan 2014 Difference
18              1,000              1,000                   -
19              2,000              2,000                   -
20              3,000              4,000            1,000
21              4,000              5,000            1,000
22              5,000              7,000            2,000
23              7,000              9,000            2,000
24              8,000            11,000            3,000
25              9,000            13,000            4,000
26            11,000            15,000            4,000
27            12,000            18,000            6,000
28            14,000            21,000            7,000
29            16,000            24,000            8,000
30            18,000            27,000            9,000
31            20,000            30,000          10,000
32            22,000            34,000          12,000
33            24,000            37,000          13,000
34            26,000            41,000          15,000
35            29,000            46,000          17,000
36            32,000            50,000          18,000
37            34,000            54,000          20,000
38            37,000            59,000          22,000
39            41,000            64,000          23,000
40            44,000            69,000          25,000
41            48,000            76,000          28,000
42            51,000            81,000          30,000
43            55,000            88,000          33,000
44            59,000            95,000          36,000
45            64,000          102,000          38,000
46            68,000          109,000          41,000
47            73,000          117,000          44,000
48            78,000          125,000          47,000
49            84,000          134,000          50,000
50            90,000          143,000          53,000
51            96,000          153,000          57,000
52          102,000          163,000          61,000
53          109,000          174,000          65,000
54          116,000          185,000          69,000
55          120,000          196,000          76,000

For those who interested to know the savings profile for active EPF members as of year end 2011, kindly take a look at the following table. It shows the savings range, number on members and total savings for each range.

Savings Range (RM) Members Savings (RM mil)
<1 1="" td=""> 516,271 230.74
1,001 – 2,000 305,953 450.13
2,001 – 3,000 229,050 568.03
3,001 – 4,000 189,928 662.18
4,001 – 5,000 164,394 738.29
5,001 – 6,000 149,869 823.37
6,001 – 7,000 137,533 893.37
7,001 – 8,000 128,038 959.79
8,001 – 9,000 121,424 1,031.46
9,001 – 10,000 114,168 1,084.41
10,001 – 15,000 503,744 6,254.00
15,001 – 20,000 406,735 7,082.07
20,001 – 25,000 341,710 7,667.42
25,001 – 30,000 292,035 8,010.71
30,001 – 35,000 252,714 8,198.32
35,001 – 40,000 221,341 8,288.42
40,001 – 45,000 194,481 8,255.48
45,001 – 50,000 170,640 8,096.25
50,001 – 60,000 288,353 15,082.15
60,001 – 70,000 228,811 14,827.12
70,001 – 80,000 184,652 13,817.14
80,001 – 90,000 151,080 12,816.94
90,001 – 100,000 124,752 11,833.20
100,001 – 110,000 104,272 10,934.18
110,001 – 120,000 87,715 10,075.63
120,001 – 130,000 74,389 9,287.66
130,001 – 140,000 62,960 8,491.89
140,001 – 150,000 54,341 7,872.92
150,001 – 300,000 324,330 66,007.58
300,001 – 400,000 58,031 19,933.16
400,001 – 500,000 28,484 12,668.27
500,001 – 600,000 15,904 8,671.77
600,001 – 700,000 9,668 6,246.03
700,001 – 800,000 6,308 4,711,28
800,001 – 900,000 4,415 3,738.24
900,001 – 1,000,000 3,165 2,997.34
>1,000,000 11,174 17,807.58
Total 6,262,832 327,834.52

It shows members average savings, total savings based on age. The figures exclude 2011 dividends.

Age Members Total Savings (RM mil) Average Saving (RM)
<16 td=""> 1,234 0.62 499.89
16 – 25 1,596,950 9,341.13 5,849.35
26 – 30 1,144,518 24,765.59 21,638.44
31 – 35 841,242 37,711.27 44,828.08
36 – 40 681,996 45,748.93 67,080.94
41 – 45 554,370 47,690.97 86,027.33
46 – 50 439,032 47,304.11 107,746.37
51 – 55 287,451 33,056.35 114,998.22
56 – 60 108,143 7,243.23 66,978.28
61 – 65 35,084 2,495.31 71,123.98
66 – 70 12,411 874.28 70,444.08
71 – 75 3,277 214.06 65,320.84
76 – 80 302 58.59 193,999.52
81 – 85 65 13.79 212,096.88
>85 117 4.63 39,534.17
Total 5,706,192 256,522.84


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