DJI menokok 203+ mata semalam, apakah "bull rally" didepan sekarang??? Maklumat di bawah diperolehi dari blog money talk tentang pergerakan dana tempatan dalam pasaran KLCI.
Wajarkah aku bersama-sama mengambil peluang ini? Buy Low, Sell High? Sekarang ini harga berbaloi kah???  Pesanan tok nenek, buat keputusan dengan mata hati dipandu oleh akal yang waras. Semua kaunter yang aku "reserve" sebelum ini sudah gerak, antaranya FABER, MASTEEL dll .... tak ambil peluang sebab takut berumah ditepi pantai..,

"Trade at you own risk!!!!!"


Stock      Done    Volume    Amount (RM)    Date Purchase

6769 KELADI  _  0.30?? (believe actual 0.155-0.16)  _  4,000,000  _   1,200,000          05/11/2009
0128 FRONTKN _ 0.25  _  199,000    _    49,750            02/11/2009
(2-Nov-09 FRONTKN Dr Tay Kiang Meng Acquired 199,000 1,925,000)
0128 FRONTKN _ 0.25  _  197,000    _     49,250           04/11/2009
   (4-Nov-09 FRONTKN Dr Tay Kiang Meng Acquired 197,000 2,122,000)
(6-Nov-09 FRONTKN Dr Tay Kiang Meng Acquired 187,000 19,161,123)

9-Nov-09 GKENT Tan Sri Dato' Tan Kay Hock Acquired 350,000 95,056,843
9-Nov-09 GKENT Puan Sri Datin Tan Swee Bee Acquired 350,000 95,056,843
6-Nov-09 GKENT Tan Sri Dato' Khoo Kay Peng Acquired 358,700 20,758,400
5-Nov-09 GKENT Puan Sri Datin Tan Swee Bee Acquired 1,905,000 17,444,100
5-Nov-09 GKENT Tan Sri Dato' Tan Kay Hock Acquired 1,905,000 10,753,000

EPF/TABUNG HAJI (LTH)/COMPANY DIRECTORS was seen acquiring the followings :

AFFIN (Bank of East Asia accumulating more of this counter)
BAHVEST ( The only East Malaysia Aquaculture stock making $ play ?)
LTH has been accumulating since October.
9-Nov-09 BAHVEST Lembaga Tabung Haji Acquired 42,800 21,019,300
2-Nov-09 BAHVEST Lembaga Tabung Haji Acquired 420,900 -
23/10/2009 Changes in Sub. S-hldr's Int. (29B) - Lembaga Tabung Haji
16/10/2009 Changes in Sub. S-hldr's Int. (29B) - Lembaga Tabung Haji
13/10/2009 Changes in Sub. S-hldr's Int. (29B) - Lembaga Tabung Haji
12/10/2009 Notice of Interest Sub. S-hldr (29A) - Lembaga Tabung Haji
Bursa Malaysia
As at 22/10, LTH shareholding is standing at 19,743,200 shares, which is around 6%

6-Nov-09 GTRONIC Gooi Mei Hoon Acquired 18,000 77,194,365
6-Nov-09 GTRONIC Wiserite Sdn. Bhd. Acquired 18,000 66,138,841
6-Nov-09 GTRONIC Ng Kok Khuan Acquired 18,000 7,106,613
6-Nov-09 GTRONIC Ng Kweng Chong Holdings Sendirian Berhad Acquired 18,000 76,292,365
6-Nov-09 GTRONIC General Produce Agency Sdn. Berhad Acquired 18,000 86,619,249
6-Nov-09 GTRONIC Malaysian Technology Development Corporation Sdn. Bhd. Acquired 18,000 66,260,040
6-Nov-09 GTRONIC Ng Kweng Chong Acquired 18,000 79,131,356

3-Nov-09 GTRONIC General Produce Agency Sdn Berhad Acquired 18,000 20,480,408
3-Nov-09 GTRONIC Ng Kok Khuan Acquired 18,000 40,000
3-Nov-09 GTRONIC Gooi Mei Hoon Acquired 18,000 902,000
3-Nov-09 GTRONIC Wiserite Sdn. Bhd. Acquired 18,000 59,107,868
3-Nov-09 GTRONIC Ng Kweng Chong Acquired 18,000 1,559,871
3-Nov-09 GTRONIC Ng Kweng Chong Holdings Sendirian Berhad Acquired 18,000 10,153,524
3-Nov-09 GTRONIC Malaysian Technology Development Corporation Sdn. Bhd. Acquired 18,000 121,199

9-Nov-09 HUAAN LEMBAGA TABUNG HAJI Acquired 500,000 67,410,900
6-Nov-09 HUAAN LEMBAGA TABUNG HAJI Acquired 1,000,000 66,910,900
4-Nov-09 HUAAN LEMBAGA TABUNG HAJI Acquired 800,000 65,910,900
2-Nov-09 HUAAN LEMBAGA TABUNG HAJI Acquired 300,000 65,110,900
6-Nov-09 UNISEM Lembaga Tabung Haji Acquired 10,000 30,567,600
6-Nov-09 UNISEM John Chia Sin Tet Acquired 1,075,000 156,511,800
9-Nov-09 WASEONG Employees Provident Fund Board Acquired 1,650,000 72,283,083
5-Nov-09 WASEONG Employees Provident Fund Board Acquired 1,290,000 70,633,083
3-Nov-09 WASEONG Employees Provident Fund Board Acquired 654,600 69,343,083
Stay focused on Selective Technology Stocks in ACE Markets like :
(Monitor the Volume for play)

ASIAEP (cheapily priced & full of potential)
DUFU (“Pendrive” Biz)
ENG (Driving the pen – “Pendrive” Manufacturer)
KEYASIC (Cash rich –possible t/o target)
MMODE (more news on tie ups, M & A play on this cheapily priced counter)
MQTECH (Cheapily priced making $ counter)
OCTAGON (play on Embracing Green Technology)
SYMPHONY (Tech Services Sector, the next driver of growth after subprime crisis)
YTLE (4G abled Wimax rolled out play, technology well ahead of Competitors)

Other Possible Trading Stocks to watch out for are :

D&O (Directors acquiring)
EG (Dividen Play)
JAKS (Water Pipping Play)
KOMARK (undervalue Play)
MAEMODE (dividen & undervalue Play)
MIECO (Fibreboard Industry Play)
POLY (Directors been acquiring from open market)
POHKONG (Silver and White Gold, the lucky Metal for White Tiger year ! “Love”, the Theme for Year 2010 as “Chinese New Year falls on “St.Valentine’s Day” !)
PTARAS (Cash rich smallish Construction & Infrastructure Play
TAS (under play IPO)
YILAI (Cash rich & Dividend Play)
ZECON (May yet spring a surprise soon ?  think of Jetson & Gadang !)
KENCANA (Local Funds acquiring)
PETRA (Local Funds acquiring)
P/s : As usual, Trade at you own risk ! Your Gain and Your Pain is in your own PLAN !


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